Page name: Nightwish fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-30 00:06:03
Last author: speakyourwords
Owner: OceanBorn
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Nightwish Concerts

<poll:36258>For any problems about the wiki please contact [OceanBorn]

Nightwish Links Page
Nightwish Banners - Go here for banners or to post your banners!

NF Members Page 1
NF Members Page 2
NF Members Page 3
151. [*nightwolf*]
152. [Asfaloth]
153. [Coca-Cola]
154. [Morbid Carrot] Let us all worship Nightwish.
156. [LiLPsychoke] I love their songs, those are so GREAT: Nightwish ROCKS!!!!!
157. [666th_poison] :D nightwish!!! :D i just love them
158. [FiSHr.] - whooooohoooooo
159. [Lithium Lullaby]
160. [Mirindyin] Wheee...^^
161. [Artemis Riddle]
162. [Passion and the opera] Wooo!!!!! I love Nightwish! I love Tarja!
163. [RaineDagyr] Mhm.
164. [GnomviD]
165. [Dark Sekret Love] - OMG Why didn't I see this earlier, Nightwish is one of my all time most favourite bands, I Love Tarja's voice, it's like Ambrosia for my ears.
166. [Sahraminkukka] They are the best!
167. [Azkaronne]
168. [*Eternity*]
169. [boopysnella] i <3 NIGHTWISH!
170. [_habnabit] Nightwish is one of two metal bands I like... the rest are rather crap.
171. [--Insert interesting person here--] a METAL band? are we thinking of the same Nightwish? lol. <3333 Nightwish
172. [*Eternity*]
173. [KnightAngel] better music? very very small choices then o.O
174. [Anthrax]
175. [Rosie.] ^_^
176. [Roma] One of the best bands ever XD
177. [_Lúthien_]
178. [Lilieth Lumino] Nightwish rocks ! ^^
179. [beautiful _ darkness] so kicks ass
180. [Vampire Akis] - the best Symphonic Goth Metal ever!
181. [merihevonen] I grew up listening to them...
182. [Relphien] I just love them..
183. [speakyourwords] they're amazing.

Username (or number or email):


2005-01-11 [OceanBorn]: can pick... people can tell me which pics they want used and ill see what i can do!

2005-01-11 [Piccolo Sorcio]: this is so cool! I gotta make a new pic =P

2005-01-11 [OceanBorn]: so you want to be included trail..?

2005-01-11 [Tableau Vivant]: I so agree!!! I'm gonna make a pic now! when you'll need it, look in my house!~=P

2005-01-11 [OceanBorn]: okay...youll still have to let me know what pic..

2005-01-11 [Tableau Vivant]: the upper one =P

2005-01-11 [Cookieholic]: freaky one sander ;)

2005-01-11 [OceanBorn]: i see it.. yay...two people on this :P

2005-01-11 [Tableau Vivant]: hehe =P  thanks bonkie =P

2005-01-11 [Piccolo Sorcio]: ofcourse [OceanBorn]! I loved the idea, so why wouldn't i want to be included??? =D

2005-01-11 [OceanBorn]: okay! just checking :D

2005-01-11 [Piccolo Sorcio]: ok =D... I am so happy =D

2005-01-12 [BornFromSilence]: can i be included too ^_^ pwetty pweez ^_^

2005-01-12 [OceanBorn]: of course :) its for all members..

2005-01-13 [BornFromSilence]: YAY ^_^

2005-01-13 [Cookieholic]: WEEEEEEEEEEEE ^_^ goodie ^_^

2005-01-19 [OceanBorn]: lalalala

2005-01-19 [Vitani]: harr harr

2005-01-20 [Piccolo Sorcio]: ok... this isall rubbish... hasn't anyone got a normal subject to talk about? =P I know... I'm being annoying again, but I AM annoyed!!! My friends are just so weird... who the h*ll takes pictures of herself (if you know what I mean) and then sends it to a friend??? She's just so unbelivable!!!

2005-01-23 [Sillvria]: Can sum1 add me? Wishmaster and Over the hills and far away :D

2005-01-23 [OceanBorn]: Done

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: and can you add me to? i love nightwish ;)

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: no no don't let her join ;) =P okay i'll add you =P

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: i hope so, i can be very dangerous :P somtimes...

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: *poke* i added you don't worry =P

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: well you dont have to worry for me :P i am not dangerous at all... :P

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: ow okay then you won't mind me doing this =D *poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke*

2005-01-25 [Candy Coated Corpse]: :P evil bonk! lol

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: I'm not evil, I'm just misunderstood...... and evil.

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh DO NOT POKE ME :P *starting to get grazy* :P

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: grazy? cows graze.... you're a cow? *runs in precaution*

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: no i just cannot speak english that well :P runs in a what?

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: in a padded cell ^_^ you know what pisses [OceanBorn] off? =P talking in dutch =D

2005-01-25 [OceanBorn]: bonk and precuation in one sentance? HAHAHA! :P bonk, i dont care if you talk dutch but not here. (I will remove everything linked to you from this wiki o_O)

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: o.O no not the precious love, not the precious ey, must not delete the precious...

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: prrrrrrrrrrecious

2005-01-25 [OceanBorn]: so i think i have the no dutch policy sorted out :P *pets self on head*

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: *tickes* okee dat heb je =P sorry just couldn't resist the urge ^_^

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: wat? *evil*

2005-01-25 [OceanBorn]: lol grr.

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: wie? =P *tickles*

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: hoe? *still evil* i like it to be evil

2005-01-25 [Cookieholic]: waar? I'm not really evil.. i just like to pretend i am ^_^

2005-01-25 [Ishje]: hm, that sounds intresting :P

2005-01-25 [OceanBorn]: lol

2005-02-12 [Tableau Vivant]:

Nightwish was awesome on the 11th of februari!!!!!! They soooo rocked!

2005-02-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: IT WAS GREAT!!! I had so much fun, and it was so loud! I lost my voice... Think I left it in The Heineken Music Hall =P But I wanna go there again!!! I WANT MORE, I WANT MORE!!! =P

2005-02-12 [DracoDormiens]: *is very jealous at the people that are able to go to concerts.* Is anyone going to Skool's Out in Oslo in June? NW isn't playing alone, but I'm under 18, so I can't go to their other Norwegian gigs... *is very jealous on [Tableau Vivant]* aaaargggh.

2005-02-12 [Piccolo Sorcio]: strange... do you have to be 18 to go there?

2005-02-13 [DracoDormiens]: They aren't that big in Norway yet, so they mostly play in Rockefeller, a club in Oslo. You have to be 18 to go there, because they serve alcohol... And I'm not. Aaaaarggg.

2005-02-13 [Piccolo Sorcio]: well, that's not fair... I'm glad that this concert wasn't for 18 years and older. It was so awsome! =D

2005-02-13 [Blinded by Fear]: Yess, was there too, friday was too great!! Only imperia kinda sucked... :D But NW was awesome, and I saw all the kind people of Stargazers again!

2005-02-13 [OceanBorn]: draco, under 18? im not 18 yet and iv got into over 18 gigs, just put your make up on and your confidence and you can get in no bother...go on, nightwish is worth it!

2005-02-13 [Cookieholic]: I'm 17 and i've been to one NW gig, but to about 80 other bands =D

2005-02-13 [DracoDormiens]: Lots of make up, huh? Maybe I shall give it a try... But they don't come here often. One needs to take the chances one gets. Is anyone here a member in the forum on If so, what do you call yourself? Hm? HM?

2005-02-14 [OceanBorn]: I was a member in the nightwish forum a long time ago, I dont remember my username though :P Trust me, make up and youll get in no bother!

2005-02-14 [Keii]: Same here - though I have a feeling that it's keisari... o.O

2005-02-14 [DracoDormiens]: Finnish nick! *point up in joy and puts make up and high heels on*

2005-02-14 [Keii]: *chuckles* Yup ^-^

2005-02-14 [DracoDormiens]: *is anxious to start a discussion (fist fight)* OK the. Who's your favourite NW member? *waits for fighting*

2005-02-14 [The Coffee-Prophet]: they all rock! *nyha nyha*

2005-02-14 [Tableau Vivant]: mine is ...i can't descide

2005-02-14 [Piccolo Sorcio]: My favy NM member??? Why do you wanna know? =P

2005-02-14 [DracoDormiens]: I don't know... I agree that they all rock, but you must have ONE favourite that you like better than the others? No? Oh well. *brushes Emmpu's lovely, elvish hair*

2005-02-14 [Piccolo Sorcio]: Well, I like everyone =D And I don't know all the NW members.. I think I should first get to know them...

2005-02-14 [Jace Beleren]: i love tarja

2005-02-14 [Ishje]: i dont know the members at all...does that make me a bad fan??

2005-02-15 [DracoDormiens]: Know them PERSONALLY, ot know things about them? For myself, I think it's best to know the band as well as I can, but it's not like that for everybody! I really wish I could meet them backstage sometime... *holds up giant "I love Tuomas" banner*

2005-02-15 [Piccolo Sorcio]: ME LOVES MARCO!!! And I'm also so very in love with Jukka -drools-

2005-02-15 [Ishje]: *still doesnt know anyting about the band members*

2005-02-15 [DracoDormiens]: If you are interested in learing about them (which you probably aren't since you still havent found out anything:p), I advice you to go to and watch the End of Innocence DVD! *waves with Tuomas banner* Jukka?

2005-02-15 [Ishje]: i have been on once bevore..but only to look for some songtext, but i will go there again :P

2005-02-16 [Keii]: Yay! I remembered my user and password for the nightwish forum *dances*

2005-02-16 [DracoDormiens]: Wheeey! You're back again!

2005-02-16 [Keii]: Heh, yep I am ^-^

2005-02-16 [DracoDormiens]: god. I just heard that NW and Sonata Arctica will be touring the U.S together. Owgh. Why? WHY not Scandinavia? They never come to Norway, for chrissakes! *angryangryangryangry*

2005-02-16 [Keii]: Aw, bless *pats*

2005-02-16 [Piccolo Sorcio]: maybe they'll come if you keep praying =P I was so glad that my dad said that I could go to their concert =D My mum didn't agree, but my dad said "Sure, but she has to pay the ticket herself" Me Loves my Dad!!! =D

2005-02-16 [DracoDormiens]: Will you start crying if I tell you that I want to kill you and steal your ticket? Norway is sometimes such a crappy country.

2005-02-16 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Indeed

2005-02-16 [Piccolo Sorcio]: no, I won't cry -pets [DracoDormiens]'s head- I'll try to cheer you up... I'm sorry, I'll never tell it again if I go to their concert. Now I only have to go to Cradle of Filth. Oh well.. =D

2005-02-17 [DracoDormiens]: But if you don't tell me, how am I going to steal your tickets? oh well, I guess I can steal someone else's. Cradle of Filth? Are they any good?

2005-02-17 [Piccolo Sorcio]: yeah... I love them! It's great music... try to find the song "Nymphetamine" somewhere.. it's wonderfull!

2005-02-17 [Tableau Vivant]: cradle of fitlh is bad when they're live!

2005-02-18 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I know... But is still is a concert. And I've finaly got a ticket, so I'm not going to cancel ik now =P

2005-02-18 [Tableau Vivant]: so? if the concerts not good, it's no fun

2005-02-19 [Piccolo Sorcio]: well, I know... But I'm going wif my favourite uncle so it'll be fun... =P

2005-02-20 [OceanBorn]:

Nightwish rocked my boots off yesterday \m/ and, I got emppu vuorinens used plectrum!!!!! :D :D :D :D photos to come soon...whoooooo!


2005-02-20 [Piccolo Sorcio]:

Oh my gosh!!! That is so cool!!! Me = soooo jealous!!! =P

2005-02-20 [OceanBorn]: I know!!!!!!!! I'm still on a high...I'll scan it and show you :P woooow....i still cant get over it!!!

2005-02-20 [DracoDormiens]: Ooooh, come on, rub salt in my wounds! Aaaarggggh! I envy you sooo much!

2005-02-20 [DracoDormiens]: Emmpu's plectrum! I will hunt YOU down, kill you and steal the plectrum. Then I will be as good on the guitar as Emmpu is.

2005-02-20 [OceanBorn]: hey hey... i am a very big fan too... *cries*

2005-02-20 [Tableau Vivant]: aahw! =P so cool

2005-02-20 [DracoDormiens]: *put fingers in ears and hums* I will hold my breath until we change topic!

2005-02-20 [OceanBorn]: =(

2005-02-20 [DracoDormiens]: Heeeh? *holds breath*

2005-02-20 [OceanBorn]: well, your going to die then... *whistles*

2005-02-21 [DracoDormiens]: Oooooh! But it's not possible to hold your breath until death... Aaaw. Oh well. I'm going to Skool's Out! Mwahaha! Even though Motley Crue is there, and I hate Motley Crue. But I can suffer an hour with ear torment just to hear Nightwish. I could LIVE together with Motley Crue to see Nightwish.

2005-02-21 [OceanBorn]: by the way, anybody whos interested, there are new pics in Nightwish concerts

2005-02-21 [DracoDormiens]: Those were coll pics you had there... It seems like a good concert.

2005-02-21 [Tableau Vivant]: tralalaala

2005-02-23 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me = so bored... has anyone got something fun to tell??? =P

2005-02-23 [Jace Beleren]: and thus god came to earth and said to men: "go fuck thyselfs.peace i´m out" hope that helps

2005-02-23 [Piccolo Sorcio]: lol... oh well, that'll do =P soooo... how are you?

2005-02-23 [OceanBorn]: hahaha...

2005-02-23 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me goes again... see all of you tomorrow... Love you guys!!! =D -kisses you all-

2005-02-23 [OceanBorn]: take care :o)

2005-02-24 [Jace Beleren]: i´m fine

2005-02-24 [DracoDormiens]: Wow, you are all very bored, aren't you? *starts making some cookies*

2005-02-24 [Jace Beleren]: i am now cause i´m in school

2005-02-24 [OceanBorn]: theres only like 2 people talking...its not exactly dramatic in here... :/

2005-02-24 [Jace Beleren]: i guess not but a drama can be made with 2 people

2005-02-24 [DracoDormiens]: Now there are three! if you all haven't left... Which you probably have... *eats cookies*

2005-02-24 [Jace Beleren]: i´m still here

2005-02-25 [Cookieholic]: *steals cookies*

2005-02-25 [Jace Beleren]: hey stealing is bad m´kay?

2005-02-25 [OceanBorn]: yeah...bonk is very naughty in this community...we almost kicked him for using dutch, and now hes stealing....where does it END?!?!

2005-02-25 [Keii]: Mmmm.... cookies...

2005-02-25 [Jace Beleren]: it wont end until he is dead

2005-02-25 [OceanBorn]: mmmm...true *eyes bonk* o_O

2005-02-25 [Jace Beleren]: just leave his blood for me k?

2005-02-25 [OceanBorn]: haha...who said I was going to kill him?

2005-02-25 [Jace Beleren]: you don´t have to. you can hire someone to do it for you

2005-02-25 [DracoDormiens]: I can do it.... I have a long experience in killing.

2005-02-25 [Jace Beleren]: cool. just leave me his blood k?

2005-02-26 [DracoDormiens]: There's something about blood, isn't it? Freaky.

2005-02-26 [Jace Beleren]: hey i´m a vampire. i drink blood

2005-02-26 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me loves vampires!!!! -laughs-

2005-02-26 [Jace Beleren]: cool. just so you know i´m half vampire

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: Great =D

2005-02-27 [DracoDormiens]: Everyone's a vampire nowadays... What happened to the goblins?

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I love everything that's not human =)

2005-02-27 [OceanBorn]: I'm half...witch o.o

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: that's cool too =D I'm a duck =P

2005-02-27 [DracoDormiens]: It's OK to be a human if you have big sword...

2005-02-27 [OceanBorn]: yeah...i dont got a sword :( but i got lots of cadles and spells o_O

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: kk =) so you're human?

2005-02-27 [DracoDormiens]: WITH a big sword!

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: Coolies! I love swords =D

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: i have a big sword too. the goblins just went all back to mordor

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Swords are good, Spells of Mass destrucion is better *muhahaha* *runs around*

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: i can do those too.i have time spells, fire spells, dimension spells and others too

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: A multitalent, eh? I'm not jealous *prepares to backstab with a rusty knife* just kidding.

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: beeing a vampire gives me certain abilities. immortality is one of them.

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Oh well, I'll keep in the sunlight then, eating a garlic pizza while juggeling a few crosses. some holy water dosen't hurt either.

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: and beeing half human grants me some imunities. the only whay to kill me is to chop of my head. and you can´t get close enough to do that

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Plan C: I don't bother you, you don't bother me. I never liked violence anyway.

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: that works. you don´t get in my way i don´t get in your way

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I never wanted to be a vampire-hunter anyway, do you know what I wanted to be *short pause* I wanted to be, a lumberjack *starts humming.*

2005-02-27 [OceanBorn]: i cut down trees i wear high heels i like to press wild flowers on wednesday i go shopping and have butterscones for tea...lala

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: pmpwl.

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: It would seem that starting to sing that song wasn't my best idea, heh.

2005-02-27 [OceanBorn]: lol. sorry.

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: No problem, it was kinda funny.

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P I liked it =P

2005-02-27 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Monty Python rox.

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P

2005-02-27 [Jace Beleren]: it was funny

2005-02-27 [Piccolo Sorcio]: yup... so... did anything special?

2005-02-28 [Jace Beleren]: who me? not realy

2005-03-01 [Piccolo Sorcio]: me neither... It was just a wuestion for all... =P I'm so bored!!! it's 7.18 AM here... Gotta go to school in a minute =( I wanna stay home! =P

2005-03-01 [DracoDormiens]: School sucks... I am writing a summary of the five big religions... It's booooring! And I don't have much time to be here either. One day, I will make a living out og playing the bass guitar and drinking Vodka.

2005-03-01 [OceanBorn]: one day..i will make a living out of sitting on my ass doing nothing.

2005-03-01 [Piccolo Sorcio]: one day... I'll make a living of singin in the rain and do nothing really important =P I'm so bored right now. I'm babysitting my little brother untill 23.00 PM... it's soooo boring. I wanna go to my Boyfriend!!! =P

2005-03-01 [DracoDormiens]: I bet drinking Vodka is more fun...

2005-03-01 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I've never had Vodka... Am I weird now? =P I really want to taste it. I already love beer and whine... so I think I'll like vodka too =P

2005-03-01 [Jace Beleren]: one day... i will make money with the videogame i´m making

2005-03-02 [DracoDormiens]: You're making a videogame? That sounds cool. My little brother would hug you and take you home.

2005-03-02 [Piccolo Sorcio]: Me too! I love video games! -puts a chain around [Jace Beleren]s hands- you're gonna have to stay with me now =P for the rest of your life!!! =P

2005-03-02 [Jace Beleren]: yep. found a copm program on the net caled rpg maker 2003. the name says it all. and i belong to no one adyta. unless you are an extremely good looking girl

2005-03-02 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P I don't want to own you =P was just kiddin'... I love my bf too much to say that I'm keeping another man in the basement =P

2005-03-02 [Jace Beleren]: i know you where kiddin´. you think i´m stupid or something? lol

2005-03-02 [Jace Beleren]: come to my wiki: kane fans united

2005-03-03 [DracoDormiens]: Kane?

2005-03-03 [Jace Beleren]: yep. a wrestler. the big red machine

2005-03-03 [DracoDormiens]: Aahaa. Freaky.

2005-03-03 [Jace Beleren]: very

2005-03-03 [DracoDormiens]: Wrestling? That is a weird sport. Half-naked, longhaired men with beard that roll over each other... 

2005-03-03 [Jace Beleren]: they don´t have beard. and i like it. and it aint just man. there are some divas

2005-03-03 [DracoDormiens]: I have seen those... In that videogame. What is it called? WWE Smackdown or something. Oh well. We can't all like the same thing.

2005-03-03 [Jace Beleren]: there are many wrestling games

2005-03-04 [OceanBorn]: I used to like wrestling, I think its quite sad really looking back that kids idolise people who act out beating eachother up... possibly not so sad if they could understand the distiction in acting and reality... but i preffered stone cold ;)

2005-03-05 [Jace Beleren]: he´s cool. but there are better superstars

2005-03-07 [Piccolo Sorcio]: I don't know anything about wrestling =P but I love other sports... I'm just not a fighting-games-lover =P

2005-03-07 [Jace Beleren]: i am. i love free violence. but i aint violent tough

2005-03-08 [DracoDormiens]: I am violent enough, but I don't have enough strength... Maybe I can tickle them to death.

2005-03-08 [Candy Coated Corpse]: eek, dont tickle me to death lol

2005-03-08 [Jace Beleren]: thats a good way to die

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Compared to what? hearing the whole "The very best of Hanson?"

2005-03-08 [Piccolo Sorcio]: =P it's always better than getting kicked to death... you know... I would love to be kissed to death =P

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I wouldn't know, but it sure sounds swell, not the kicking part in case you wondered.

2005-03-08 [Jace Beleren]: me too. or having sex to death lol

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, AIDS aren't that fun, i recon.

2005-03-08 [Jace Beleren]: you´r right. i guess i can setlle for beeing kissed to death

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah, Lets toast on that.

2005-03-08 [Jace Beleren]: yep*grabs glass and toats*

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah *grabs a human skull and toasts* uh *looks at skull* that ain't mine *puts skull away*

2005-03-08 [Jace Beleren]: lol

2005-03-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: heh, I don't know how that got there, honest!

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